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My Approach

On Solid Ground provides different levels of service to meet the needs of your family. Please contact me to discuss these options in further detail: 
(These are suggested plans and can vary based on the individual needs and preferences of each family)



I offer an intensive in-home model that focuses on analyzing the child, the family system, and the environment, to provide effective therapy solutions that promote a happy household. Strategies incorporate occupational therapy to specifically address your child’s needs (sensory and motor development), as well as parent education, behavior strategies, and home programming to promote consistency and success.



For some families, the intensive model may not meet their current lifestyle or financial needs. They may have excellent clinic-based occupational therapy services and just need a brief boost at home. Or, they may feel confident enough to implement suggestions with less in-home support. I offer a condensed version of the intensive model, which will address the family’s primary concerns in the home and set-up programs with limited direct and in-home support.



I offer consultations that may just involve a 1-2 hour discussion to offer suggestions on a specific area of concern. Some consultations could include an initial discussion, review of paperwork, video review of the child's behavior, and one or two in-home meetings to provide suggested strategies to address concerns. This model is best utilized for families who have a good understanding of their child’s needs and want to address only one-to-two specific behavioral/developmental concerns. 
Remember that you can call now to set-up a consultation. This is a 45 minute consultation in which we can discuss your concerns and determine if On Solid Ground is right for your family.


Phase 1

(4-6 weeks with weekly consultations/sessions)

  • Observation in the natural environment (home, school, daycare) to assess the child, the family and the environmental set-up.

  • Occupational therapy evaluation, if warranted. (This may include informal assessments of sensory and motor development, or more standardized assessments such as the Sensory Integration and Praxis Test (SIPT)).

  • Development of an action plan: This can include parent training, sensory diet, behavior management program, visual schedule, motor development program, primitive reflex integration program, or assistance with set-up of sensory spaces.

  • Assistance in implementation of all programs


Phase 2

(4-12 weeks)

  • Transition to bi-monthly contact to continue with home programs and monitor the overall success of the implemented strategies.

  • Assistance in providing adaptations as changes take place in the environment.


Phase 3

  • May continue with bi-monthly or monthly sessions for consistent home programming

  • May involve infrequent consultation for follow-up to ensure the families success.

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